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Artist Statement


Music is a language not beholden to notes, and language is music, not limited to words. The written word implies the sound of the human voice. So the elements of music - rhythm, tempo, timbre, accent and pitch, carry as much import as words and images. 


I rarely know what I’m trying to say until I’ve said it. Years ago, the great jazz pianist Joanne Brackeen, when asked how she composed music said, “I don’t really compose music…I observe it.” I had never thought about the creative process that way. Which is not to say that to observe, receive or be in wait for the muse implies a lack of discipline. To be aware and receptive is to be fully engaged. The discipline comes upon capture; staying with it as the grain of the wood directs and reveals the shape of the piece. It’s the work that isn’t work. And that’s a kind of love.


What matters to me is the telling of stories, whether they have a narrative arc or not. Most important is to tell the truth, to offer only the organic transmission of what bumps around and blows through the heart and mind.  Sometimes a piece is left with its imperfections on the page because quite simply, it’s done.  Other times the decision to put in the comma, take out the comma, becomes a wrangling that in the light of day seems overwrought.  It’s about seeking the golden middle between over-nurturing and benign neglect. And that’s a kind of love, too. 

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